- Shelfmark CCA-DCc/LitMs/E/4
The Cathedral Archives Catalogue has the following entry:
- Writer: Atkynson, Richard
- (1) Commentarium in primam Epistolam ad Corinthos.
- (2) Tractatus theologicus.
- (3) Epilogus precedentium et aptatio.
- Dedicated "suo amico ac in Christo fratri fidelissimo Johanni Scotte, S.P.D." The Author was apparently a native of Southwell, and may have been the Richard Atkynson who was Provost of King's College, Cambridge, 1553 to 1556.
- The book was bequeathed to the Chapter Library by William Kingsley, son [i.e. grandson] of Archdeacon Kingsley, in 1671. It is bound in the parchment leaves of a mediaeval service book, and on the inside of the cover is the name of "John Twyn" (Twyne), the first headmaster of the King's School.
Richard Atkynson and his friend John Scott seem to have been Catholic clergy who were out of office during the Edwardian period. The commentary on 1 Corinthians talks of their Babylonian exile and Atkinson's composition as a form of consolation. Atkinson was back in favour as Provost of King's College during the reign of Queen Mary. The manuscript is dated at the end (f.191v) 12th of the Kalends of September 1547 (21 August) with a repeated dedication to Scott.
William Kingsley's name is found at the top of the first leaf: 'Guliel: Kingsley An[n]o Dom[in]i 1671'
It is not clear who the manuscript passed from John Scott and eventually into the hands of John Twyne and thence to the Kingsleys. Archdeacon Kingsley's grandson presumably donated it to the Chapter Library at a later date than his manuscripts which are recorded in the 1669 catalogue.