Jean Gallois

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Jean Gallois (1632-1707), Abbot of the Priory of Cuers, a protégé of Colbert, was for a short time French royal librarian. He was a member of the Académie Française, and professor of Greek at the Collège royal.

Gallois purchased a second-hand copy of Lazius's Reipublicae Romanae ... commentariorum libri duodecim for 6 livres in 1674. The book had previously belonged to a noble French person whose arms are stamped on the covers. It was purchased after Gallois's death by Stephen Hunt and left by him to the Cathedral Library in 1714.

Gallois's library was sold in Paris from 1710 to 1713 by the bookseller Laurent Seneuze;[1] the book is item 710 in the sale catalogue.[2] The Cathedral Library has Stephen Hunt's copy of the catalogue at shelfmark W/L-2-62.

Shelfmark W/F-3-22
Wolfgang Lazius. Reipublicae Romanae in exteris prouinciis, bello acquisitis, constitutae, commentariorum libri duodecim; ... Autore Wolfgango Lazio.
Frankfurt am Main: 1598.
Armorial binding stamp (French, 17th-century) on front and back boards, with four crescent moons and two crossed swords
Inscription on front free endpaper: Ex libris Joannis Galloys Presbyteri Abbatis Corensis Emi 6ll 1674.
Inscription on title page: Stephen Hunt.

