John Ludd

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The Revd John Ludd M.A. (d. 1649) was born in Canterbury and educated at the King's School in the late sixteenth century and then at Trinity College, Cambridge (1601-2; B.A. 1605-6; M.A. 1609). He became usher (lower master) of the King's School in 1610 and was headmaster from 1615 to 1649.[1] William Somner was one of his pupils.

Shelfmark W/K-6-14
Hadrianus Saravia. Diuersi tractatus theologici, ab Hadriano Sarauia editi: …
London, 1611.
Inscription on title page: Sum Johannis Luddj ex dono Authoris Patroni suj Colendissimi.
Inscription on verso of front free endpaper: Gul. Somneri, ex dono V.C. D. Joannis Luddi, præceptoris, vt et amici sui quondam charissimi, Scholæ regiæ apud Cantuar. Gymnasiarchæ doctiss. digniss. qui, præter hunc, plures alios haud minoris notæ libros, eidem,, testamento facto, contulit, A.D. 1649.
Shelfmark W2/X-3-3
Giovanni Battista Cavalieri. Effigies Pontificum romanorum cum eorum uitis in compendium redactis ... Cuius ope et opera nunc denuo castigatiores in lucem prodeunt; additis, quae deerant, insignibus Pontificiis ... Io. Baptistae Cauallerij aeneis typis.
Rome: 1595.
Inscription on verso of front free endpaper, partly obscured by later label: Jo: Barkerj.
Inscription on label on verso of front free endpaper, pasted over earlier inscription: Sum Joh:is Ludd Ex dono [Jo:Barkerj] vndecimo die Julij. Anno Dom. 1613.
Inscription on verso of front free endpaper: Esto hic liber in posterum Mri Gulielmi Somnerj. In testimonium benevolentiæ suæ sic vult Jo: Ludd. 17 Febr. 1648.
Shelfmark W/N-3-27
Lancelot Andrewes. Opuscula quaedam posthuma.
London: 1629.
Inscription on title page: Jo: Ludd.
[In William Somner's hand:] Eius autem ex dono, Gul. Somneri, cui præter hunc, plures alios haud minoris notæ libros, testamento facto, idem contulit, A° Dni. 1649.
Inscription on first section title: Joh: Ludd.
With a small number of MS annotations in Ludd's hand.


Shelfmark W/T-8-1
Aulus Persius Flaccus. Auli Persii Flacci Satirarum liber. Isaacus Casaubonus recensuit, & ... illustravit. ... Cura & opera Merici Casauboni ....
London: 1647.
Inscription on verso of front free endpaper: Liber Joannis Luddj ex dono Reuerendj Doctorjs, quj tertiam hanc editionem excudenda[m] curavit, et Londino missam ipsj tradendam iussit 26. Junij 1647. J: L:. [with extensive annotations in the same hand].
Shelfmark W2/X-4-44
Aelfric, Grammaticus. Testimonie of antiquitie, shewing the auncient fayth in the Church of England touching the sacrament ... here publikely preached, and also receaued. 1566.
Inscription on title page, partly cut away: The gift of [] [Longelande] being Archdeacon of Buckingam 1589.
Inscription on title page: Tho Wood.
Inscription on title page: Joh. Lud.
Marginal notes in William Somner's hand.