John Somner

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John Somner (1605–1679) was the brother of the Canterbury antiquarian and Anglo-Saxon scholar William Somner. The Benefactors' Book records that he gave books to the Chapter Library and that he had supervised its construction (1664).

Johannes Somner, Guilielmi Somneri olim Reg[ist]rarij filius, 
Sylvarum hujus Ecclesiæ Præfectus, atq[ue] operarum in hac Bibliotheca
(sumptibus D[o]m[in]i D[octor]is Juxon nuper Archiepiscopi) à fundamentis instau=
rienda, Inspector assiduus; eodem opere tandem fœliciter absoluto, dedit
     Mri[?]. Richardi Hooker Politeiam ecclesiasticam. fol.
     Dni Lanceloti Andrewes, Episcopi Wintoniensis, Conciones. fol.
     Theologor[um] Anglicor[um] in utrumq[ue] Testamentum Annotationes Angl. 2 Vol. fol.
     Burtoni Melancholiam. fol.

At the same time he had a market hall constructed in the Buttermarket at his own expense which he gave to the city.[1] At the Cathedral he held the office of wood reeve.

W2/A-15-5 or W2/A-15-7 ?
W/I-3-21 ?
W/K-4-14 ?
W/C-7-20/21 ?
