Robert Hunt

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Robert Hunt (c.1568–1608) was ordained in Lincoln in September 1593. He is recorded as perpetual vicar of Reculver with Hoath Chapel from January 1595 to October 1602 and then became vicar of Heathfield (Chichester diocese) from October 1602.[1]

Hunt was recruited in 1607 to be the chaplain of the expedition organised by the London Virginia Company to found the first successful English colony in America at Jamestown.[2] He appears to have died in Jamestown in 1608.[3] In 2015 the Jamestown Rediscovery Team reported the discovery of Hunt's grave in the chancel on the site of the original church in the settlement.[4] Book clasps discovered by archaeologists at Jamestown may have once decorated books from Robert Hunt's library, which was destroyed by fire in 1608.[5]

A fuller note about Robert Hunt, his book, and his grave can be found in the Canterbury Cathedral Archive and Library Newsletter.[6]

Shelfmark W/C-3-6
Josue Mahler. Die Teütsch spraach. Alle wörter, namen, vñ arten zü reden in Hochteütscher spraach ... unnd mit gutem Latein ... vertolmetscht ... durch J. Maaler. Dictionarium Germanicolatinum novum. Hoc est, Linguæ Teutonicæ superioris præsertim, thesaurus ... a. J. Pictorio ... confectus, ...
Zurich: 1561.
Inscription on title page: Liber Ro: Hunt Vicarij de Reculver; Februar: 27[?] 1598. prec: -5-0.