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Shelfmark W2/A-8-14
Jodocus Clichtoveus. Elucidatorium ecclesiasticum, ad officium ecclesiae pertinentia planius exponens: & quatuor libros complectens. ...
Paris: 1516.
Inscription (16c.) on a2v: Thomas Cavelle de granntham.
This book belonged to Thomas Cavelle of Grantham in the sixteenth century.
It is listed in the Benefactors' Book as being donated to the Library by William Jervis (d. 1660) and is also listed in the 1634 inventory.

{{#set:isAuthor=Clichtoveus, Jodocus}} {{#set:isTitle=Elucidatorium ecclesiasticum}} {{#set:isPlaceofPublication=Paris}} {{#set:isDateofPublication=1516}} {{#set:wasAcquiredIn=1629?}}