Provenance – donors, previous owners, etc.

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Provenance – donors, previous owners, etc.

Cathedral Library bookplate
Canterbury Cathedral Library bookplate, 1709
  • John and William Somner
    Entries in Canterbury Cathedral's Donors' Book, c. 1665, recording gifts of books to the new library by the antiquarian William Somner and his brother John. With translations and notes.
  • Books owned by William Somner
    A list of books with ownership inscriptions or manuscript annotations by William Somner, mainly from the collection purchased from his widow in 1669.
Names of previous owners of books in Canterbury Cathedral Library printed before 1801.
A provisional list of 3152 former owners, based on the provenance index published in the microfiche catalogue of the Cathedral's books printed before 1801 (David Shaw and Sheila Hingley (and others), Canterbury Cathedral Library: Catalogue of pre-1801 printed books. Adam Matthew Publications, Marlborough, 1998. 24 pp + 17 microfiches).
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